This film explores seaweed plastics, a nuanced technology that is on the brink of transforming an industry and could potentially solve a devastating problem that impacts our oceans every day. These bioplastics can degrade naturally with no trace within 4 weeks if they end up in the ocean, ultimately saving animals, habitats and even us from being exposed to microplastics, which is a growing concern.
We filmed with Car y Mor, a family and community-driven company in Wales, UK, that is pioneering seaweed farming in the UK. The film also talks to one of the world’s leading scientists (Dr Ross Brown) in this niche field as we try to unpick whether seaweed bioplastics could be a viable solution to plastic pollution. Despite creating a genuine research documentary that has the power to convey such groundbreaking solutions, we attempted to explore these issues on a deeper, more human level. We filmed with Katie Maggs a Cornish free diver, teacher and conservationist found her love for the ocean as its vice in her most darkest times. Now, she uses her strong online presence to educate and inspire others to protect our seas. Finally, Curly Steve, a surfer and long time conservationist offers us his insights and history on how this problem affects him and others living in be the sea around the world.
This film is an attempt to make the problem more relatable by entering the lives of three people who live and breathe the ocean every day, whilst providing a real tangible solution and exploring why plastic is an issue really will affects us all.
'Green Ocean Gold' is an undergraduate 3rd year student film made at Falmouth University. Directorial debut by Olaf Lawrence and Producer debut by Charlie Greaves. This was many of our first film we worked on.
IG@: (Instagram Handle)
Green Ocean Gold featuring: Katie Maggs - IG:@tonicofthesea, Car y Mor - IG:@car_y_mor, Francois Beyers - IG:@francoisbeyers, Exeter University - IG:@uni_exe_ce, Curly Steve - IG:@itsmycurlylife.
Production companies: Falmouth University - IG:@falmouthuni, Silverstep Films - IG:@silverstep.films, Filmmaking for Fieldwork - IG:@filmmaking4fieldwork, School of Film and Television at Falmouth University - IG:@tvatfalmouth.
Director & Editor - Olaf Lawrence - @olaf.lawrence
Producer - Charlie Walker - @charlie.walker01
DOP - Ollie Gambie -
Underwater DOP - Finlay Apps - @finlayaapps
Underwater DOP - Osker Carmichael - @osker.carmichael
Macro Videography - Morgan Osman @morganosman_photography
Camera Assistant - Sterenn Collette @just_stez
Music - Tommy 2000 - @tommmy2k & Oliver Stack @_oliverstack_
Sound Recording / Mixing - Winston Tjia @winstontjia_ls
Dive Buddy - Morgan Osman @morganosman_photography
Colourist - Ollie Gambie
Editorial Advice and management / Huge thank you - Andy Lawrence @filmmaking4fieldwork Helen Knowles @helenknowles001
Still Photography - Graphic Design @finlayaapps
Assistance production management / Graphic Design - Zuza Przybyszewska @zuzaprz @thiscameraistolefromuo
Trailer Editor: Olaf Lawrence @olaf.lawrence
Huge thank you to every one who funded, backed and believed in the project from the start. 99p Films @99pfilms, everyone who funded on @kickstarter. Thanks to Rufus Horton @rufus.h & Harry Brook @hwbrook for connecting the dots and setting up an introduction with Car y Mor!
Thank you to the film festivals for selecting us thus far @hiffhawaii @freedom.womenlife @lastudentfilmfest @uff.neum @oregioncornwall
Green Ocean Gold just won 2nd place in the environmental shorts category in the Hawaii International Film Festival!
Please share this film as far and wide as possible. Luvvv.
#sustainability #plasticfreeoceans #bioplastics #environmentalpollution #documentary #cornwall #wales #plasticpollution #climatechange #plasticwaste #oceanplastics #cornwalluk #wales #uk
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