Carbon dioxide (CO2) is stored in extinguishers in the liquid phase. It vaporizes when released thereby smothering a fire by excluding the air (oxygen) needed for combustion. Carbon dioxide extinguishers are preferable to water or dry chemical extinguishers where water damage and fouling of delicate electrical, electronic, or laboratory equipment cannot be tolerated or where cleanup is a consideration.
Which gas is used in fire extinguisher
which gas is used in fire extinguisherwhich gas is used to extinguish firefire extinguisher contains which gaswhich gas used in fire extinguisherin fire extinguisher which gas is usedwhich gas is used as fire extinguisherwhich gas is present in fire extinguisherwhich gas is used as a fire extinguisherextinguish fireextinguisherfire extinguisher typesco2 fire extinguisherWhy CO2 is used in fire extinguisherIs CO2 fire extinguisher liquid or gas