⭐️Today I decided to go to "Bundaran HI" and celebrate Independence night on Jakarta indonesia
🔴 "MRT" or "TransJakarta"?🤔
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▶️ lihat jakarta yang indah:
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✅ This is Jakarta Tips!
I'm Mohammad Rasool babaei
I live in Jakarta!
⬇️ I want to introduce Jakarta to the people around the world and in this channel I am going to share my experiences about living in Jakarta with you.
If you like my videos, I will be happy to subscribe to my channel.
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All of my videos have "Indonesian Bahasa" subtitle!
▶️ About "Independence day":
The Independence Day of Indonesia (in Indonesian formally known as Hari Ulang Tahun Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia shortened "HUT RI", or simply Hari Kemerdekaan, and colloquially referred by the people as Tujuhbelasan, meaning "the Seventeenth") is a national holiday in Indonesia commemorating the anniversary of Indonesia's proclamation of independence on 17 August 1945.[1] It was made a national holiday by government decree in 1946.[2]
Ceremonies and festivities are held throughout the country to celebrate this national day, including the flag hoisting ceremony conducted nation-wide and at Indonesian diplomatic installations abroad, local community competitions, with patriotic and cultural parades.[3] Discounts are offered by participating shopping centres or businesses.[4] On 16 August or the last Friday prior to 17 August, the president of Indonesia addresses the nation at the People's Consultative Assembly.
#indonesiaindependenceday #kemerdekaan #malamkemerdekaan
🔴 Musics:
"Old Joe" by Infraction
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Music promoted by Inaudio: [ Ссылка ]
⏳ Timestamps:
0:00 Intro
1:03 Jakarta Night!
3:14 Bundaran HI Anjungan!
5:39 This Is So Beautiful!
12:44 Bundaran Hi Bus Station!
16:49 Do You Remember This Man?!
20:51 Indonesian Locals!
24:07 This Is My Hobby!
Indonesia Independence Night Celebration In Jakarta! 🇮🇩
Indonesia Independence Night Celebration In Jakarta! 🇮🇩
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