The first installment in the franchise, Darksiders was released in 2010 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows. Originally set in a modern-day Earth, a war breaks out between Heaven and Hell. War, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, finds himself on Earth in the midst of the battle. After War is killed in the battle, the Charred Council blame him for destroying the balance and starting the apocalypse. War vows to find the one truly responsible, so he is sent back to Earth, where 100 years have passed, in his search to find them.
#darksiderswarmasterededition #ps4 #darksiders
Microsoft Windows
Nintendo Switch
PlayStation 3
PlayStation 4
Wii U
Xbox 360
Xbox One
2010 Darksiders
2016 Darksiders: Warmastered Edition
Genre(s) Hack and slash, action-adventure
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Darksiders Warmastered Edition - FULL GAME Walkthrough Longplay
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