Published Monday 12 February 2018 No 6397 Video
I called in to see my father in law Peter Mihinui House that he placed beside his Tupuna Ancestor Paramount Chief Tira Waikato Whareherehere Manukau Memorial Stone Rock Native Land Title to King George IV Crown Land Patent Title Instrument over New Zealand Title as the Original First Nations Moriori Waikato Commercial Landowner I now Claim his History back into his Pungapunga Hapu
This Moriori Pungapunga Hapu Spiritual Rock is the Indigenous Moriori Manukau Waikato Native Title to New Zealand Pacific Islands Countries under the British Emperor King George IV Crown Land Patent Transfer Bank of England Financial Investment Security of Interest Land Title Mortgage Loan First ever New Zealand Country Land Transfer Certificate of Title was right here on this Moriori Manukau Pungapunga Marae using this Land Rock Stone as a Memorial Title over New Zealand I am holding all these original Waikato Paramount Chiefs Native Title Discovery Whakapapa Pre European Maori Land Titles are being Apostle Legalized and Authenticated through a British Government approved Notary Lawyer I have chosen to make this Whakapapa Memorial Land Hapu and Pohara Marae show the New Zealand Government its Original Titles that the British hold over any other Title Myth Whakapapa Title that cannot refute this Memorial Rock base Whakapapa to Maungatautari Mountain Pa Site I have that Whakapapa for Tainui has to show where it based its Whakapapa Title through the Maori Land Court I state clearly is a Fraud Land Title Whakapapa I cannot see any challenge from any IWI MAORI CROWN TRUST Refute this Moriori Manukau Native Titlle to King George IV and King William IV Rewharewha Manukau and Hoori Te Kuri Whakkapapa Native Titles So unless they can challenge the "Moai Crown Moriori Manukau Trust" and "Moai Crown" King William IV Trust" Youtube Video Statements of "FACT CITED EVIDENCE then they had NONE! It is a IWI MAORI MYTH TITLE plucked off the original Moriori MANUKAU and Cook Island Tahitian TE KURI Native Title WHAKAPAPA
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