Ayam Phat Phet Ala Thai - Resepi Mesti Cuba!
1 biji bawang besar | 1 onion
3 ulas bawang putih | 3 cloves of garlic
2 inci halia | 2 inch of ginger
2 inci lengkuas | 2 inch of galangal
2 inci kunyit hidup | 2 inch of turmeric
2 batang serai | 2 lemongrass
4-5 batang cili merah besar | 4-5 big red chilies
10 batang cili merah kecil | 10 small red chilies
Sedikit air | Some water
5-6 sdb minyak masak | 5-6 tbsp of cooking oil
10 ketul ayam | 10 pieces of chicken
Sedikit daun limau purut | Some kaffir lime leaves
Sedikit garam | A bit of salt
Sedikit gula | A bit of sugar
Kacang panjang | Long beans
Rujuk video untuk langkah-langkah memasak.
Refer to the video for the cooking steps.
Ayam Phat Phet Ala Thai - Resepi Mesti Cuba!
ayam phat phetayam phad phedayam phatphetayam masak phat phetayam masak phad phedayam padpetayam masak padpetresepi ayam phat phetresepi ayam phatphetcara masak ayam phat phetcara masak ayam phatphetayam phat phet ala thaiayam masak phatphetayam patpetayam masak patpetresepi ayam patpetayam padpedresepi ayam padpedayam serai thaiayam berladakari hijau thaiphat phet ayamchicken phat phetphat phetpadpet ayamphad phed