After being asked by a member of our ministry, a resident of Finland, to host a presentation on the person of Ellen G. White and the Seventh Day Adventist church that she had helped found. Just minutes into the presentation I was soon overcome with the presence of the Ruach flooding me with an overwhelming realisation that this presentation was actually twenty years overdue and desperately needed to be produced and sent out to the world in the hopes that Adventists across the globe will discover this message in a bottle and be set free from the deception and the white life.
I spent much of my life as a member of the seventh day Adventist church indeed I am grateful for all the church afforded me in ministry and I produce this teaching out of love for every single Seventh Day Adventist around the world; past, present and future.
I look back favourably upon my time as a minister within the Adventist church but still bare a very heavy heart for the myriads of people who are being grossly misled and yes deceived over the position and genuineness of its self-proclaimed light and testimony, Ellen White.
In this presentation, I lean on the findings of the general conference presidents who found themselves going head-to-head not just with Ellen White but in fact, the institution and fraternity that protected yes in fact even forged her. The white estate is determined to govern the standing of Ellen White to the Adventist church.
I have for some time compiled a formidable achieve of information and I share some of this with you the viewer so you too can be forewarned and forearmed against the deception and the great white lie.
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Ellen G. White Prophet Plagiarist or Worse?
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