As vehicles zip past one of the busiest areas of the city, the Adyar bridge, a 500-tonne gigantic machine operated by a bunch of workers quietly drills the earth. Under this bridge, tunnels are getting ready well beneath the Adyar River. In a couple of years down the line, trains will zip past these twin underwater tunnels and those driving their vehicles over the bridge may opt to skip the traffic and take a ride below, in the train.
The Hindu gives you the first glimpse of one of the underwater tunnels built by Chennai Metro Rail for the upcoming phase II project. Of the twin underwater tunnels created between Greenways Road and Adyar Junction, one tunnel constructed by the Kaveri tunnel boring machine (TBM) has been completed and the next TBM named ‘Adyar’ will reach the Adyar Junction (near Theosophical Society) by January 2025.
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