Archaea are some of the oldest organisms on the planet, but we only discovered them in the 1970s.
Superficially, these microbes look similar to bacteria, but in fact, they form an entirely separate branch on the tree of life.
The most famous archaea are the extremophiles, which can survive at extremes of temperature, salt and acidity. But scientists have been puzzled by something else: not a single species we know of causes disease.
Microbiology Today is the Society's quarterly magazine. The content is balanced to meet the needs of the Society’s members. The magazine aims to provide informative and enjoyable broad-interest articles for all readers, including parliamentarians and policy-makers. Each issue focuses on a topic, and topics are chosen with the aim of covering all fields of microbiology.
Read more about Archaea in the August 2017 issue of Microbiology Today: [ Ссылка ]
The Microbiology Society is a membership charity for scientists interested in microbes, their effects and their practical uses. It is one of the largest microbiology societies in Europe with a worldwide membership based in universities, industry, hospitals, research institutes and schools.
Our principal goal is to develop, expand and strengthen the networks available to our members so that they can generate new knowledge about microbes and ensure that it is shared with other communities. The impacts from this will drive us towards a world in which the science of microbiology provides maximum benefit to society.
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