0:00:00 - 1st short take starting at 8:50:22am. WTC 1 (North Tower) already burning.
0:00:04 - 2nd short take starting at 8:50:31am.
0:00:28 - 1st long continuous take starting at 8:53:10am. Camera is mostly stable.
0:05:15 - Good view on the impact floors of WTC 1. Some people can be seen falling along the east face of the building.
0:10:17 - 2nd plane hits WTC 2 (South Tower) off-camera at 9:02:59am. Some smoke and flame expulsions can be observed on WTC 1.
0:59:17 - WTC 2 starts to collapse at 9:58:59am.
1:19:06 - Large pressure pulse pushes smoke out of lower impact floors of WTC 1, epsecially from floor 92 at north face.
1:28:41 - Destruction of WTC 1 begins at 10:28:22am.
Videographer: Cynthia "Cindy" Weil
View on WTC from: North
Camera Location: 166 Duane Street, Manhattan
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