The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show | Intro
The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show is an animated television series featuring characters and storylines from the Charles M. Schulz comic strip Peanuts. It aired Saturday mornings on the CBS network from 1983 to 1985. It reaired on The Disney Channel in 1993[1] and was aired on YTV in Canada by 1996. It was also aired with the TV Specials on Boomerang in the UK from 2002 to 2004.
Due to lower-than-expected ratings, in an attempt to boost viewership, CBS moved the series to 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time early in 1984. It did not help the ratings much, and while the show was not formally cancelled in 1984, further production was on hiatus, and in 1985, CBS ordered five new episodes for what would be a second and final season. Early in 1986, CBS dropped the show after many weeks of reruns.
The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show is one of the few television series produced by Bill Melendez, whose animation studio generally specialized in specials.
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