Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has invited Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma to his residence in Delhi for tea and lunch after Sarma had threatened him with a defamation case. Kejriwal also criticized Sarma for his ill-performance and "dirty politics." The two leaders were scheduled to address a rally in Guwahati on Sunday.
Kejriwal reached Guwahati on Sunday along with Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann to attend the rally. Speaking to the media, Kejriwal said that he invites Sarma to come to Delhi and have tea and lunch with him at his house. He further added that he would also show him around the city.
Kejriwal's invite comes after Sarma had threatened to file a defamation case against him if he made any allegations of corruption cases against him outside the assembly. Kejriwal had reportedly said in the Delhi Assembly that there were corruption cases against Sarma.
Sarma had also criticized Kejriwal and his party, the Aam Aadmi Party, for interfering in Assam's internal affairs. He had accused the AAP of playing divisive politics in the state and misleading the people.
In response to Sarma's threats, Kejriwal had questioned the Assam Chief Minister's performance in the last seven years and accused him of playing dirty politics. Kejriwal said that such threats by Sarma are unbecoming of a chief minister and that he is not a terrorist.
The rally in Guwahati was attended by a large number of people. Both Kejriwal and Mann addressed the gathering and criticized the BJP government at the center and the Assam government for their failure to address the issues faced by the people.
The invitation extended by Kejriwal to Sarma is being seen as a political move to challenge the Assam Chief Minister and his party in the upcoming assembly elections in the state. The BJP is currently in power in the state, and the Congress and the AIUDF are the main opposition parties. The AAP is trying to make inroads in the state and is expected to contest the elections.
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