Welcome to 7 days to die. In this series I will go over progression from start to finish. As well as other various concepts and topics that relate to learning the game and succeeding in 7 days to die.
In this video I go over game settings and roughly explain the most relevant settings as they pertain to a beginner and what settings they should use for their first game to get started.
Catch me streaming on youtube, I stream all the time!
7 Days to Die Beginner Guide: Game Settings
GamesGamingGamersSurvivalSurvival gamesVideo gamesBeginnerHow toHow to playTutorialPlayingPC gamesPC gamingGuideWalkthroughGetting Startedearly gameDefault7 days to dieTraderBeginner guide7 days to die guideseven days to die guideSeven7 daysdieplaythroughlet's playzombieseasystarting outstartingtipsspawnGameSettingsOptionsNew gameNewStartZombie speedDifficultysetupchoicesDay length2020