T110E5: 1v9 on Mountain Pass - World of Tanks
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The T110E5 is a American tier 10 heavy tank.
The T110E5 marks the end of its American heavy tank line.
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Developed from 1952 as a heavy tank with more powerful armament, compared to the T-43 (M103). Restrictions were placed on the vehicle sizing as the tank was supposed to pass through the narrow tunnels of the Bernese Alps. Several designs were considered, but the project was canceled. No vehicles were ever manufactured.
Battle Stats:
MrTusx [STLOK]
Map Mountain Pass
Damage: 11679
Frags: 11
Blocked damage: 4720
Assist damage: 781
Medals: 13
Master, Bruiser, Hand of God, Duelist, Fire for Effect, Shellproof, Kolobanov´s, Fadins, Dumitru, Pool´s, High Caliber, Steel Wall, Warrior,
Mods used for the replay recordings: aslains modpack from wgmods(dot)net
World of Tanks
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T110E5: 1v9 on Mountain Pass - World of Tanks
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