〈星際大騙局 之 登月計畫〉Great Hoax: The Moon Landing
徐漢強 John HSU
馬可洛可可 Marco LOCOCO
台灣、阿根廷 Taiwan, Argentina|2019|互動 Interactive|Colour|15-20min|國語、英語 Mandarin, English|無字幕 No subtitle
2019 威尼斯影展創投單元
76th Venice International Film Festival - Production Bridge Gap Financing Market
In 1969, Apollo 11 landed on the moon. 50 years later, people in Taiwan are struggling between an identity crisis and economic fluctuations, hoping for a juncture would save the day. This desire is why you are hired to be a national hero - the very first Taiwanese who lands on the moon. Finally, comes the release day, you wait for the broadcast in your dingy apartment, only to realize it’s not about a moon-landing anymore...
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