#fried #quail #eggs #Mukbang
#Best #Reaction #Ssoyoung
#KoreanMukbang #Eatingsound
계란 다음으로 많이 접하는게 메추리알인데요,
사실 저는 메추리알은 삶은것들만 먹어봤었어요
이제와서 생각해보니
"왜 그랬지?🤔"라는 생각이들어서
메추리알로 후라이를 해보았습니다
해보니 이유를 알겠더군요.ㅋㅋㅋ
알이 작아 깨서 후라이 하기가 쉽지않더라구요;;
사실150개를 준비했는데 중간중간 실패를 하는바람에 100개가 되었다는 웃픈현실..!!!😭
그러나!!!!힘들었던만큼 맛은 어떨까요?
완전 팅글팅글~♡ 계란보다 확실히 메츄리알이 고소한맛이 더하더라구요!
불닭볶음면과 함께하는 메추리알100개먹방~♡ 귀엽게 이쁘게봐주세용!!!💕
The quail eggs are the next most common thing to eat after the eggs, but in fact, I've only eaten boiled quail eggs
Now I think about it
I am like, "Why haven't I?🤔"
Today I tried frying quail eggs
When I tried it, I knew the reason.
The eggs are small and it's not easy to break and fry;;
Actually, I prepared 150, but it was a laughable sad reality that it became 100 due to a failure in process..!!!
However!!!! How about the taste as it was difficult?
It's so tingle-tingle~♡ Quail eggs are definitely more nutty than eggs!
100 quail eggs mukbang with buldak ramen~♡ Please watch me cute and pretty!!!💕
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