Counter Surfing: when your dog jumps up on the counter and steals food.
This common issue takes a lot of time and practice to prevent.
Step 0: establish your “leave it” cue
Step 1: have your dog sit by an empty counter, step on the leash with slack, mark & reward for attention. If you dog jumps, gently prevent access to the counter with the leash
Step 2: put low-value treats on the counter and repeat step 1
Step 3: put high-value treats on the counter and repeat step 1
Step 4: repeat steps 1-3 while walking by the counter. Use the “leave it” cue and mark & reward for attention.
In addition to teaching a replacement behavior, we focus on interventions:
- Keep counters clean
- Prevent access: leash, gate, closed doors
- Provide alternative scavenging opportunities: puzzles, snuffle mats
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