Part of a collection of animated simulations showing what it would be like if a Northridge-sized earthquake occurred near 16 major population centers around Southern California, created by the SCEC UseIT internship program. Learn more about the 1994 Northridge Earthquake:
Animation created with SCEC-VDO, an open-source software that visualizes earthquake science-related data, developed and improved by SCEC UseIT interns: [ Ссылка ]
Hazard Location: Compton
M6.8 on the Palos Verdes Fault
Created on Mon, 06/16/2016
Ani Pytlewski
Hannah Shamloo
Daniel Philo
Lindsay Arvin
Karina Novoa
Jing Yuan
2016 SCEC-VDO Team
SCEC-VDO is an object-oriented, open source software that enables interactive, 4D display of diverse geo-referenced datasets for analysis, presentation, and publication. Examples of datasets that can be visualized using SCEC-VDO include earthquake events, hypocenters and epicenters, fault systems and fault sections, three-dimensional surface images, tectonic plates and their vectors of motion, as well as political boundaries, cities, highways. Users can customize legends and dynamic text labels, and filter data spatially and temporally for analysis and comparisons. SCEC-VDO has the built-in capabilities for taking snapshots and making animations for use in presentations and publications.
SCEC-VDO was developed entirely by interns from the Undergraduate Studies in Earthquake Information Technology (USEIT) Program. The interns continue to improve the software and expand the capabilities of SCEC-VDO, as requested by the user community.
Read more about SCEC-VDO: [ Ссылка ]
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