As war continues to brew between the Horde and the Alliance on Pandaria, the far-distant tower of Karazhan reawakens in an explosive new patch for the World of Warcraft!
(But not really...)
This video is to celebrate the completion of my "Mogu'shan Vaults" set of strategy guides, with Heart of Fear now in the pipeline. Had a lot of fun making this vid :]- Might turn it into a permanent thing that for every set of video guides, I'll whip out an animation like this one.
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And I want to make it clear that even though I take the absolute piss out of Blizzard here, I truly respect the amount of work that goes and has gone into this masterpiece of a game.
Next expansion will be an Outland overhaul, ala Azeroth's Cataclysm. Calling it. You heard it here first.
WoW Patch 5.2 → "Daily Trailer"
wow patch 5.2wow patch 5.2 trailerwow patch 5.2.0wow patch 5.2 alliancewow patch 5.2 ptrwow patch 5.2 musicwow patch 5.2 hordewow patch 5.2 raidwow patch 5.2 dungeonpatch 5.2patch 5.2 wowpatch 5.2 alliance cinematicpatch 5.2 trailerpatch 5.2 ptrpatch 5.2 horde cinematicpatch 5.2 sound filespatch 5.2 notespatch 5.2 announcementpatch 5.2 alliancewow patch 5.1wow mop patch 5.2 ptrwow patch 5.2 cinematicpatch 5.2 cinematic