In another lot of broken consoles, I picked up this Nintendo Wii. It is rejecting any disc inserted into it. I'll take you along my troubleshooting journey to try and figure out what's going on.
This one is a bit of a head scratcher. We'll take apart this disk drive, inspect the mechanics closer to understand how it works, and fix everything...somehow?
Fixing a Wii Disk Drive...Somehow?
WiiNintendo WiiClean WiiWii teardownNintendo teardownHow to clean a Wiihow to take apart a WiiWii disassemblygame restorationWii restorationconsole restorationgame console restorationNintendo restorationNintendo console restorationdirty WiiLast Heart GamesWii disc drivedisc drive fixWii repairWii fix