Welcome to Vala's Bluegrass & BBQ Festival!
Join Kyla and Vala's PitMaster Chef Jeff as they showcase Vala's NEW Brisket and Whole Hog Nachos!
Then get ready for a FUN Movie Night at Vala's Harvest Moon Cinema - a NEW movie theatre attraction that plays every night @ 8pm!
Go to valaspumpkinpatch.com to learn more!
Vala's Fall Festival Celebration: BBQ MOVIE NIGHT!
valasvalas pumpkin patchVala’sVala’s Pumpkin PatchVala’s Pumpkin Patch & Apple Orchardfall festivalfallappleciderhard ciderpumpkin patchnebraskagretnaomahapumpkin patch or apple orchardpumpkin patch vs apple orchardNebraska tourismfun things to do in Nebraskabest thing to do in Nebraskanebraska bbqbest bbq in nebraskaaksarben cinemanebraska briskethow to cook brisketbest brisket recipemovie trailertrailermovie night2023 trailer