The Enchanted Forest 2022 show 'Together', set in Faskally Woods near Pitlochry, Perthshire, Scotland. Set against the stunning backdrop of Faskally Woods, the 20th anniversary show, Together, was inspired by the hopeful public mood of togetherness after such a long time apart during the pandemic.
This beautiful part of the show called 'Together Alive' featured a stunning lighting display with images projected onto water screens over the loch (lake) within the forest, set to an original music score created for the event.
This World renowned, multi-award winning event has gained many accolades including the UK’s Best Cultural Event, Best Outdoor Festival and Scotland’s Best Large Event. Led by event management agency Wavemakers Live, the show is a collaboration by creative designers at Studio Something and original sound tracks by RJ McConnell, Jon Beales and Rachel Cullen.
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