Although this shiur may rub some people the wrong way at first, anyone who listens to its entirety will see the truth in the words of our holy Torah and its Sages. People do not like or want to be Edom, though they act like them without realizing it. People love Israel, while fighting them without realizing it.
Today we will uncover a klipa layer of the Torah that you've never heard this way, and help each person know whether they resemble Edom or Isreal.
Ultimately the goal is to give everyone a reality check, so they can make an educated decision of what they want to do about it. Learn, Share, Enjoy.
0:00:00 Introduction (TeShuvahMusicBH)
0:03:53 VAYISHLACH: Are You Like Edom or Israel?
0:05:56 "Save Me from the Hand of My Brother, from the Hand of Esau" (Gen. 32 v. 12)
0:07:59 Who is Esau, His Descendants, and Why the Torah Mentions Timna (Sanh. 99b to Gen. 36 v. 22)
0:32:19 Immorality Becoming the New Norm: Society’s Decline
0:42:19 One Who Marries His Young Daughter to an old Man—Hashem will Not be Willing to Pardon Him (Sanh. 76b)
0:43:46 The Extremes of Yesteryear are Becoming the Norm
0:44:42 Heresy—Idolatry—Immorality (R. Kachlon)
0:45:59 Leaving the Torah Leads to the Graves of Lust (Num. 33 v. 16)
0:48:38 Messianic Jew Organization Exposed for Immorality and Deception
0:51:53 Outward Sophistication, Yet the Immorality is There
0:55:52 Brisker Rav to a Bechor Who Went Off the Derech: 'You Didn’t Have Questions, You Had Excuses'
0:59:02 Abandoning G-d Leads to a Lust-Driven Mentality (Rashi to Ezekiel 23)
1:03:42 Sugar Daddies Have Become a Norm in Today’s Society
1:04:41 Are You Like Edom or Israel? (cont.)
1:05:33 Moral Lessons Derived from the Laws of Borer
1:14:30 On-Demand: A Product of Edom's Mentality
1:16:33 Conclusion
1:20:35 Beit Din Tzedek MANIFESTO Psak Din Against Heretic Manis Friedman
1:21:53 Palestinians
1:24:49 Is It a Violation of Shabbat if a Package is Delivered on Shabbat?
1:26:10 Beit Din Tzedek MANIFESTO Psak Din Against Heretic Manis Friedman (cont.)
1:32:23 A Person Should Not Learn Kabbalah Until They Have Mastered The Torah Basics
1:41:33 Does the False Notion of 'G-d Needs You' Come from Arrogance?
1:42:16 Learn Chumash with Rashi
1:42:47 How Often Does the Rabbi Think of Hashem Each Day?
1:43:16 When Is Separation Before Conversion Required and When is It Not?
1:49:56 Avraham and Sarah's Daughter
1:50:57 Shnayim Mikra V'Echad Targum Obligation
1:59:52 The Rav's Rav: Rav Efraim Kachlon
2:01:33 Torah Commentaries
2:04:39 Teachings of Rav Nachman of Breslov
2:05:02 Reading vs. Listening to Torah: Which Earns Greater Reward?
2:05:59 Why Jesus Could Never Be the Messiah
2:07:30 Take Notes
2:11:43 Does Listening to Torah Fulfill the Obligation of Reading It?
2:13:50 Jesus’ Hatred for the Pharisees and How He Fell
2:16:50 Why the New Testament is Antisemitic
2:18:52 Addressing Mistakes and Lack of Kavanah in Prayer
2:23:16 Can a Noahide Say the Morning Blessings?
2:28:49 War of Amalek Series
2:29:38 Reform or Conservative Conversion is Going in the Direction of Esau
2:30:06 Blessed are You, Hashem, Our G-d, King of the Universe, Who Did Not Make Me a Woman
2:33:03 If You Want to Convert, Move Where It's Possible
2:33:20 Targum Onkelos and Rashi
2:34:37 Syrian Community Takana Against Converts
2:38:10 AI Rabbi by Be'Ezrat HaShem
#Vayishlach #RabbiYaronReuven #EdomVsIsrael #ParashatVayishlach #RealityCheck #Judaism #Jewish #Parashat #Shabbat #ShabbatShalom #Torah
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