Проект: Журналисти и политици утвърждават зелена икономика
село Горочевци, община Трън, област Перник, България
18-21 юни 2016 г.
В рамките на инициатива: "Раследващи журналисти на Баканите: трансгранично разследване на проблеми с околната среда"
"Journalists and Policy Makers Boost Green Economy" Project
Оrganised by the Green European Foundation, with the support of the BlueLink Foundation (Bulgaria), the Association for Sustainable Social-Economic Development Sunrise (Macedonia) and Drugi Novi Centar Association (Serbia).
Implemented by:
the Green European Foundation (GEF), the BlueLink Foundation, the Association for Sustainable Social-Economic Development Sunrise, and the Drugi Novi Centar Association
"Balkan Watchdogs: Cross border Environmental Reporting"
Training workshop for journalists from Bulgaria, Macedonia and Serbia
Gorochevtsi village, Trun Municipality, Bulgaria
18-21 June 2016
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