Been a while since I played as Juri. She is in the Rumi Usagiyama mod which is from the My Hero Academia series. She takes on Ibuki in the Fie Claussell from Sen 3 mod. Remember, I do not make mods as I find them online and try to have cool battles with them. This fight took me a few tries to get because I was trying to get video to go four minutes long. It keep falling short. Plus, these two are kinda fast so its hard to draw it out to go longer. Thats my only regret. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this fight and have a great day!
Juri Rumi Usagiyama: [ Ссылка ]
Ibuki Fie Claussell from Sen3:
Street Fighter V CE Juri vs Ibuki PC Mod
JuriJuri PC ModJuri SF VJuri Street Fighter VSF V JuriStreet Fighter V JuriSF V Juri modsJuri Rumi Usagiyama modJuri Rumi UsagiyamaRumi Usagiyamathejamk SF V modsIbukiIbuki PC ModIbuki SF VIbuki Street Fighter VSF V IbukiStreet Fighter V IbukiSF V Ibuki modsIbuki Fie Claussell modFie Claussell Sen3Ibuki modstiggiewhite SF V modsStreet Fighter V: Champion EditionSF V PC ModsSF V: CEStreet Fighter VStreet Fighter V PC Mods