K. Annamalai, the Tamil Nadu BJP president, has once again found himself embroiled in controversy due to his interactions with reporters. On October 1st, during a press conference in Coimbatore just before his trip to New Delhi, when a woman reporter asked him if he’d remain in the BJP if he ceased to be the state president. Annamalai responded by inviting her to come forward and address the audience directly, emphasizing the importance of transparency.
As other reporters objected to his tone, Annamalai sarcastically remarked that the people of Tamil Nadu should witness the questioner and her inquiry regarding his future with the BJP. He stressed the importance of questions adhering to established norms and pledged to hold accountable those who crossed those boundaries, regardless of their identity.
Throughout the interaction, Annamalai encouraged ethical and professionally grounded journalism, urging reporters to maintain decorum in their questioning and expressing a genuine desire to see them excel in their careers.
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