When you launch Vintage Story for the first time, you may easily get the stone tools, but how do you get your first pickaxe? A copper pickaxe in Vintage Story is an essential part of your survival adventure because it allows you to get even more copper, open new crafting recipes and beat the game.
Getting your first copper pickaxe in Vintage Story as a beginner is a tedious process and requires you to complete quite a lot of steps before you can actually craft one.
In this "Vintage Story first day tutorial", you find out how to craft your first copper pickaxe as well as copper hammer, build a charcoal pit and a pit kiln to make your clay molds.
0:00 - Intro
0:36 - Stone tools
1:29 - Crafting molds
1:43 - Pit kiln
1:54 - Charcoal pit
2:26 - Tongs
2:36 - Smelting copper
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First Copper Pickaxe in Vintage Story - Guide
pickaxe vintage storycopper in vintage storyhow to get a pickaxe in vintage storyvintage story tutorialvintage story beginner guidehow to craft a copper pickaxe in vintage storycharcoal pit vintage storycoal vintage storyhow to get charcoal in vintage storypit kiln vintage storyhow to build a pit kiln in vintage storyclayforming vintage storyclay molds in vintage storyfirst day in vintage storyhow to get started in vintage storycopper vintage story