The incompetent 101st Air Assault NCO complaining about his men crying over the loss of one of their Soldiers lying that "they did all they could" is a pile of light infantry narcissist (LINie) bullshit; BEFORE the war, the Army's light infantry could have re-equipped their Delta weapons companies with available M113 Gavins by simply typing a request and sending it to FORSCOM and they'd have them and wouldn't have to hitch rides exposed on the backs of M1 heavy tanks—so there'd be no KIAs/WIAs--ie; reasons to cry. An ounce of PREVENTION beats a pound of cure.
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Here's an U.S. Army Command & General Staff College School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) report by Infantry officer, Major William Sutey on the need for cross-country MOBILITY (XCM) from M113 Gavin light tracked tanks to improve LIGHT INFANTRY FORCE mobility, protection and firepower. READ IT.
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The statements from the LINie NCO are indicative of the typical, technotactically ignorant lemming who doesn't study war, and never learned WHAT RIGHT LOOKS LIKE by war practice:
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but who spends all day doing sports PT, dismounted marksmanship, battle drills and "From Here to Eternity" lawn/building care. The Iraqi version of these LINies throw themselves at the 3rd ID's tracked tanks in flimsy, gasoline-powered trucks and motorcycles and get lit on fire; you see their flaming hulks and burning rubber tires in this video; why would anyone with any common sense want to be in trucks on the non-linear battlefield, dominated by high explosives?
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