Amid rising concerns over crimes against women, Prime Minister Narendra Modi assured that offenders "will not be spared." Speaking at the Lakhpati Didi event in Maharashtra's Jalgaon, PM Modi addressed recent national outrage over cases like the Kolkata doctor's rape and murder, the Badlapur school abuse case, and the Assam gangrape. He emphasized the government's efforts to strengthen and tighten laws against such criminals, including amendments to existing laws and new systems for justice accessibility. Modi highlighted the introduction of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), allowing women to file e-FIRs without visiting police stations. Addressing post-marriage crimes, he mentioned specific amendments to the BNS and affirmed the central government's support to states in combating these heinous acts. #pmmodi #news #crimeagainstwomen #womensafety #strictlaws #pmnarendramodi #modinews #bharatiyanyayasanhita #maharashtraevent #nationaloutrage #governmentinitiatives #womensrights #lawenforcement #justicesystem #breakingnews #indianews #kamznews
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