Immigration poses a global problem, with migrants losing their lives during perilous journeys. European governments have been slow to recognize the rights of families to know the fate of missing migrant relatives. Current identification processes are inadequate, identifying only 22% of deceased migrants.
The talk describes the ongoing Forensic Missing Migrant Initiative with collaborators at the University of Thrace and the Platform for Transnational Forensic Assistance in Greece, deliberates the implementation of new techniques in current deceased migrant cases, missing persons databases, and mass disasters, and discusses the challenges and limitations of each method in this field.
For the development of this project: “Skeleton-ID 2.0 an integral tool for human identification guided by artificial intelligence”, has been funded by the European Union within the framework of the project corresponding to the 2021 call for grants for research and development projects in artificial intelligence and other digital technologies and their integration into value chains. File 2021/C005/00141299.
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