A troop of monkeys 'attacked' a man and saved a 6-year-old girl from getting raped in Uttar Pradesh's Baghpat district. The girl's parents later filed a complaint against a man, who allegedly lured the child away, when she was playing outside the house. She was apparently taken to an abandoned house where the man took off her clothes and tried to sexually assault her. But the rape attempt was foiled when a few monkeys got aggressive towards the attacker and ‘saved’ the girl. The girl reached home and narrated the entire incident to her parents. The man has been charged under the POCSO Act and is on the run.
#MonkeySavesGirl #UttarPradesh #Baghpat #ChildSexualAbuse #POCSOAct #RapeAttemptFoiled #ViralNews #MonkeyAttack #AnimalRescue #ChildSafety #HeroicMonkeys #MiraculousEscape #CrimeAgainstChild #JusticeForChild #BaghpatNews #UttarPradeshNews #IndiaNews
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