Akane's Arx Fatalis: An unwieldy but nonetheless intriguing combination of first-person role playing with gestural magic and BAKING MOTHERF****IN' BREAD in dank dungeons. Still runs on modern systems thanks to the game's final patch and release of the source code that the Arx Libertatis port is built on.
Arx Fatalis is available on Steam and Good Old Games.
The Forgotten - Arx Fatalis [Arkane, 2002]
JovianVidyaGamingVideo GamesPC GamingCommentaryReviewsEditorialJovianVidyaArx FatalisArxArx LibertatisDishonouredDishonoredArkaneBethesdaSkyrimElder ScrollsCraftingUltimaUnderworldMagickaBREADVideo Game (Industry)dungeondungeon crawlerRPGPCclassicssteamgamesPCPPLooking GlassThiefSystem ShockDungeon Crawl (Media Genre)Role-playing Game (Industry)1080p720p