Thank you for listening - Hope you enjoy
Joel Goldsmith is the original composer of this song.
I do not own any rights to this song.
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Stargate SG1 - Ori Theme Ark of Truth (Stargate SG1 OST)
Stargate SG1 musicStargate SG1 theme songStargate SG1 OSTStargate SG1 SoundtrackStargate Ark of truthStargate movie musicstargate moviestargate movie themestargate OSTStargate Atlantis OSTStargate Atlantis MusicStargate Atlantis ThemeStargate Atlantis SongStargate SG1 SongStargate Universe MusicStargate Universe ThemeStargate Universe OSTStargate Universe soundtrackStargate Atlantis soundtrackStargate Joel GoldsmithJoel Goldsmith