Welcome to JHart Modelworks. In todays tool review we're going to be taking a look at the Gunprimer Grida panel line scriber and see if it's something we're going to be adding to our arsenal of tools.
All the tools I use:
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The body kit for this build is now available on cults3D.com
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If you have your own 3d printer, you can purchase my 3D model design files on Cults3D.com and print your own:
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Check out these other great channels:
CD Scale Models: @c.d.scalemodels9198
The Scale Model Car Guy Channel: @thescalemodelcarguychannel8681
Charlie Mac: @charlie418791
Model Car Videos: @modelcarvideos5829
Blue Ox Model Shop: @blueoxmodelshop3405
Frizzo's Model Cars: @frizzosmodels
Papa's model car room: @papasmodelcarroom8450
Ledhead Kustom Plastic: @ledheadkustomplastic3442
Social media:
Scalemates.com: [ Ссылка ]
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Facebook: Join me in this great Facebook group: [ Ссылка ]...
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Email: jhartmodelworks@gmail.com
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Music in this episode:
James River by DJ Williams