This helpful Desmodus 100% Taming Guide will teach you how I tame my little bats on Fjordur. With the help from Krieg and MysticAliii helping clear the cave and look for that max level 600 taming these guys was pretty fun. A list of items you will need will be Blood Packs, a Moschops mid to high level, a Shotgun or someway to get rid of unwanted bats, a Netgun in order to trap bats making it much easier to clear the unwanted bats and prepare for taming. By doing it this way you can tame them either solo or with friends/tribemates.
Desmodus 100% Taming Guide | Ark Fjordur
KimantsiComancheNativeNative AmericanDesmodusDesmodus tamingmoschopsarkark survival evolvedperfect taming100% taming100% tame rateDesmodus perfect tametaming guidehelpful guideeasy guideKriegMysticAliiidesmodus arkdesmodusdesmodus tamingdesmodus perfect tamedesmodus taming guideDesmodus taming guidedesmodus taming arkdesmodus taming effectiveness