Fulda is a city in Hesse, Germany; it is located on the river Fulda and is the administrative seat of the Fulda district (Kreis). To read more about Fulda, click here: [ Ссылка ] .
This film features views of the city, it's streets, parks, churches and cathedral from a circular walk beginning near, and ending at Fulda Railway Station.
Featured within the film are the following identified features and locations: View from the Invite Hotel; Lindenstraße; Christuskirche; Schloßstraße; Heertorplatz; Schloßgarten; Stadtschloss; Maritim Hotel, Fulda Cathedral (Dom); St. Michael's Church; Priesterseminar Bischöfliches; Domplatz; Inside Fulda Cathedral; Cathedral Museum; Johannes-Dyba-Allee; Kanalstraße; Witch Tower; Bonifatiusplatz; St. Boniface Statue; Stadtschloss; Unterm Heilig Kreuz; Stadtpfarrkirche St. Blasius; Borgiasplatz; Universitätsplatz; Bahnhofstraße; and Fulda Hauptbahnhof.
To see a film taken of Fulda Hauptbahnhof, click here: [ Ссылка ] .
To see a review of the Invite Hotel, Fulda City, click here: [ Ссылка ] .
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Fulda, Hesse, Germany - 11th November, 2015
Fulda (German City)Germany (Country)Hesse (German State)Fulda Station (Transit Stop)Fulda (City/Town/Village)Cathedral (Building Function)Public Transport (Industry)Seat Of Local Government (Building Function)Architecture (Industry)Urban Area (Geographical Feature Category)Travel (TV Genre)History (TV Genre)Art (Quotation Subject)Religion (TV Genre)Christianity (Religion)