The Nkhomo benga peacock (Aulonocara baenschi), also known as the new yellow regal peacock, is a species of haplochromine cichlid which is endemic to Lake Malawi. The Nkhomo benga peacock inhabits sandy areas interspersed with rocks where it hunts small invertebrates, which are detected in the sand using enlarged cephalic pores. Feeding may be by sifting the substrate in its mouth or by using a more active predatory method where it watches the substrate for movement and grabs their prey. This species if Aulonocara is one of the most vibrant in colour therefore are highly sort after for the aquarium trade.
Integral Aquatics Aulonocara baenschi 'Nkhomo reef'
cichlidsintegralintegral aquaticsCopadichromis geertsigeertsiCopadichromismalawivirginalis blotchLake Malawiaquariumwater fishfish.cichlidsmalawicichlidsfreshwateraquariumhobbyaulonocarambunaExochochromis anagenysfreshwateraquariumfishtankaquariumsborleyiIntegral AquaticshaplochromispeacockcichlidhapsKadangoLethrnopsMetriaclimaMetriaclima zebra gold mundola pointbengabaenschiNkhomo