Movie from our liveaboard trip in Egypt.
I was 7 great days on the boat, sleeping, eating, and diving.
We did 18 dives great dives mostly on the north.
I hope to do this kind of trip again.
Dive sites:
Gota Abu Ramada, Big Brother Island, Little Brother Island, Abu Nuhas, Sha`ab Mahmoud, Beacon Rock, Ras Mohammed, Shark Reef & Yolanda Reef, Anemone City, Thistlegorm, Gubal Soraya, Gezira Syul Lagoon, Umm Gamar
Numidia, Ghiannis D. (Wood Wreck), Carnatic (Wine Wreck), Dunraven, Yolanda, SS Thistlegorm
Some sea life:
Thresher Shark, Red Sea Walkman, Long Nose Hawkfish, Honeycomb Eagle Ray, Emma the moray eel, 2 Reef Octopuses
Egypt, Brothers & North, October, 2019
EgyptdivingGota Abu RamadaRed Sea WalkmanBig BrotherThresher SharkNumidiaLittle BrotherAbu NuhasGhiannis D.Wood WreckCarnaticWine WreckSha`ab MahmoudDunravenLong Nose HawkfishBeacon RockRas MohammedShark ReefYolanda ReefEagle RayHoneycomb Eagle RayYolandaAnemone CitySS ThistlegormThistlegormGubal SorayaEmma the moray eelReef OctopusesGezira Syul LagoonUmm Gamar