As the huge uproar in Uttar Pradesh develops, after the arrest of dreaded gangster Vikas Dubey who is responsible for the death of eight policemen in Kanpur massacre, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has summoned senior officials. Various senior officials have failed to nab to a gangster as he managed to escape out of the situation. The senior officials have failed to act on time as he escaped from Kanpur and then traveled to Ujjain where he was finally arrested. A number of encounters took place in various parts of North India including Kanpur, Hamirpur, and Faridabad where his close aides were shot down. Uttar Pradesh police and Delhi police failed to nab and then he was found in Madhya Pradesh. He was found in Mahakal temple, where it is reported that he was taking shelter in his in-laws. Watch the video to know more!
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