Actor Sanjeev Kumar changed his name twice for getting into Bollywood films. Sanjeev Kumar's original name was Harihar Jariwala but he felt that this name will not suit an actor's personality in Bollywood films. Hence Sanjeev Kumar took on a different name. In this video, we tell the viewers all the name options that he considered from Harihar Jariwala to Sanjeev Kumar. Actor Sanjeev Kumar won several major awards including two National Film Awards as Best Actor for his performances in the movies Dastak (1970) and Koshish (1972). Sanjeev Kumar made his film debut with a small role in the film Hum Hindustani (1960). Sanjeev Kumar's first film as a protagonist was Nishan (1965).
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#SanjeevKumar #HariharJariwala
Sanjeev Kumar HATED His Real Name!!
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