In November 2012, Salvador Alvarenga, a brave fisherman, embarked on a fishing journey off the Mexican coast. Barely two days into his voyage, a brutal storm struck, prompting his desperate SOS call for rescue. It was the last anyone heard from him for 438 days. Journey with us as we explore his incredible survival story.
The Man Who Vanished at Sea for 14 Months
lost in the oceanlost at seapacific oceansalvador alvarenga438 days at sea14 months at sea438 ocean dayssurvival storytrue storysalvador alvarenga documentarysurvival documentarythe longest survival at seaocean survivalsea survivalworld recordJose Salvador AlverangaEzequiel Cordobasurvived for 438 days438 days lost at seaadrift at sea25 feet boathow 1 man survives being lost 438 days at sea