The Vandaele Forestmaster is a heavy forestry mower with cage rotor. It is used for mowing or pulverising bushes and young trees. Vandaele Forestmaster is the ideal machine for maintenance and clearance of scrub and brash in forests / woodlands and overgrown areas/ firebreaks by creating gaps to act as barriers for fires to cross/ The flail will mulch / pulverise material up to 10cm / 4 inches in diameter (dependent on tractor PTO HP).
The Forestmaster can be used in both directions, forwards or backwards and is available with a working width of 110cm, 150cm or 180cm.
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Contact us:
Vandaele Konstruktie N.V.
Stationsstraat 119
8780 Oostrozebeke
Tel: +32 56 66 45 01
Fax: +32 56 67 24 96
[ Ссылка ]
Vandaele Forestmaster mulcher tractor 50 HP
vandaelevandaele forestmasterforestmastervandaele konstruktiemulchermulching treesforestry equipmentbroyeurforestry mowerheavy forestry mowerfaucher et broyerfauchageklepelmaaierzware klepelmaaierverpulverenmaaientraktortracteurtractorhuntingforestryvegetation managementmulchingtree cuttingforestiertreeworklandscapingforestry mulcherbosmaaier