This short animated video shows how the Anguil Catalytic Recuperative Oxidizer destroys Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and odorous emissions at significantly lower temperatures than thermal oxidation technologies through the use of catalyst. We show how the CATOX is a compact, lightweight abatement system perfect for indoor or roof installations that is capable of greater than 99% destruction of the air pollutants.
Pollutant-laden process gas is either pushed or pulled into a metal heat exchanger inside the oxidizer via a system fan. The contaminated airstream is progressively heated while traveling through the heat exchanger toward the combustion chamber. The heat exchanger allows for self-sustaining operation with no auxiliary fuel usage at Lower Explosive Limits (LEL) levels of 8-12%. At the burner or electric heater, the process gas is raised to the catalyst operating temperature. As the heated gas passes through the catalyst, an exothermic (heat-releasing) reaction takes place as the pollutants are converted to carbon dioxide and water vapor. The hot, purified air then passes through the opposite side of the heat exchanger and transfers thermal energy via the heat exchanger to preheat the incoming air. Finally, the cooler, purified air is exhausted to the atmosphere through the system stack.
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