Welcome back to the channel for another shadowbringers extreme trial, after the great success that my last video was i decided to tackle Emerald Weapon EX unsync. This video also doubles as a rough guide on how to quickly farm this trial for that sweet Emerald Gwiber mount! Please like comment and subscribe if you enjoyed and let me know what you would like to see next from the channel!
Emerald Weapon EX Unsync Black Mage POV
Black Mage FFXIVEndwalkerFFXIV black mageemerald Weapon EXemerald Weapon EX unsyncemerald Weapon extremeemerald Weapon extreme unsyncshadowbringersshadowbringers extremeblack mageffxivfinal fantasy xivemerald gwiber ffxivemerald gwiberemerald gwiber mountcastrum marinum extreme guide unsynccastrum marinum exemerald weapon extreme guideCastrum marinum extremeFFXIV 6.2FFxiv 6.3ffxiv mounts