"Title: Regeneration of a former prison in melipilla, Chile: use of digital technology in a heritage restoration project
Authors: Correa Baeriswyl, Maria Victoria (1);
Torres Palacios, Gabriela (1);
Atria Lannefranque, Jorge (1);
Tagliabue, Lavinia Chiara (2);
Rinaldi, Stefano (3)
Affiliation: 1: Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile;
2: University of Turin, Italy;
3: University of Brescia, Italy
Keywords: Renovation, Building Heritage, Automation, Digital Twin approach
Session: Data Sensing & Acquisition
Paper Link: 10.35490/EC3.2023.318
Abstract: Technology and automation in the field of cultural heritage provide an opportunity for the restoration of historical buildings that would otherwise remain abandoned and overlooked amid the current development of cities in Latin America. The present paper proposes the restoration and regeneration project to transform an abandoned former prison in the city of Melipilla, Chile, into a public library, upgrading and opening its spaces to the public and making contemporary use of this crumbling landmark that has a high potential of social renovation. "
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