David John Roden is a philosopher interested in eccentric alternatives to humanity. He is the author of Posthuman Life: Philosophy at the Edge of the Human ([ Ссылка ]). If you'd like to discuss this conversation with me and others, suggest future guests, or read/watch/listen to more content on these themes, request an invitation to join Other Life: [ Ссылка ]
On Posthuman Life with David John Roden
David John RodenDavid Rodenposthumanityposthuman lifewhat is posthumanwhat will happen to humanswhat will happen to humanityposthuman philosophyartifical intelligencewhen artificial intelligence is smarter than humansAIAI posthumanitywhen will AI beat humanssuperintelligenceaccelerationismScott BakkerRS Bakkersocietal collapseend of humanitywill humanity endis the world endingwill the world endhangoutsonairHangouts On Airhoa