Today I review the superb Gorgonzola cheese from the Piedmont and Lombardy regions of Italy. We taste-test Gorgonzola Dolce against Gorgonzola Piccante - both excellent cheeses!
If you're not sure if you like blue cheese, definitely give Gorgonzola Dolce a try. It's sweet, creamy and delectable. If you're already into your blue cheeses, why not have a bash at the magnificent Gorgonzola Piccante, a heavy weight that pulls no punches, yet still has the creamy delights of its sweeter sibling.
If you'd like to see me check out some other cheeses, please let me know in the comments. Always happy to eat cheese in the name of research!
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#GorgonzolaCheese #Gorgonzola #GorgonzolaDolce #GorgonzolaPiccante #ItalianCheese #BlueCheese #GorgonzolaDOP
GORGONZOLA Cheese Review
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