This is a Chinese SKS modified with the Tapco Intrafuse T6 stock kit. This rifle is chambered in 7.62x39. A round that's cost/benefit ratio is heavily in its favor (i.e. 5-7$ at Walmart). I have prepped and coated all the metal with flat black Duracoat. I also used left over Magpul FDE to coat the stock, Magpul vertical foregrip, and the Surefire G2 flashlight secured on a GG&G mount. The downside to this rifle, really the only one, is the length. However, pinning the stock at it's fully retracted position partially negates said con. If you are in the market, check out (where I got mine) for roughly 300$. It is a great purchase. Err.
Tapco Intrafuse SKS
SKSChinese sks type 56Chinese sks7.627.62x39Semi autoSemiautomaticRifleRiflesGunFirearm (Sports Equipment)GunsRangeGuns (Film)TargetTargetsShooting Sport (Sport)Long range100 yardsBudgetShtfWrolPrepperPreppersTapcoTapco IntrafuseStockWeaponWeaponsWeapons (Film)MilitaryWw2RecommendedAkAK-47 (Weapon)AmmoBulletDamageDurableReliableCustomDuracoatMagpulTapco Intrafuse t6 stockTapco stockcodcounter strikebf4gamehome defense