Tune in at 7pm as we broadcast this year's Cadet Adult Recognition Awards.
Ten Cadet Force Adult Volunteers from across the Lowlands of Scotland have received a prestigious award from the young people they work with for their contribution to the Cadet Forces.
For the past five years, the Cadet Adult Recognition Awards (CARAs) has sought to acknowledge the dedication and selflessness of the Cadet Force Adult Volunteers (CFAVs) who give their time and talents to help young people aged 12-18 develop new skills, prepare for adult life and make friendships that can last a lifetime.
To find out more about the CARAs, click here: lowlandrfca.org.uk/cadets/caras/
The CARAs 2024
lowland reserve forces and cadets associationlowland Rfcareserve forces and cadets associationcadet force adult volunteersCFAVscadet forcessea cadetsair cadetsarmy cadetsvolunteervolunteer ethoscadet volunteerministry of defenceawards showdefence awardsministry of defence awardscadet awardsvolunteer awardsEdinburgh Castle awards