Song Name: Sarvasva Tomar Carane
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Singer: HG Swarupa Damodar Prabhu
Book Name: Saranagati (Section: Goptritve
Varana Song 3)
sarvasva tomār, caraṇe saṁpiyā,
poḍechi tomāra ghare
tumi to' ṭhākur, tomāra kukur,
boliyā jānaho more
bāṅdhiyā nikaṭe, āmāre pālibe,
rohibo tomāra dwāre
pratīpa-janere, āsite nā dibo,
rākhibo gaḍera pare
tava nija-jana, prasād seviyā,
ucchiṣṭa rākhibe jāhā
āmāra bhojan, parama-ānande,
prati-din ha'be tāhā
bosiyā śuiyā, tomāra caraṇa,
cintibo satata āmi
nācite nācite, nikaṭe jāibo,
jakhona ḍākibe tumi
nijera poṣana, kabhu nā bhāvibo,
rohibo bhāvera bhore
bhakativinoda, tomāre pālaka,
boliyā varaṇa kore
1) Now that I have surrendered all I possess, I fall
prostrate before Your house. You are the Supreme
Lord. Kindly consider me Your household dog.
2) Chain me nearby and maintain me as You will.
I shall remain at the doorstep and allow no
enemies to enter Your house. I will keep them at
the bounds of the moat surrounding Your home.
3) Whatever remnants Your devotees leave
behind after honoring Your prasada will be my
daily sustenance. I will feast on those remnants
with great ecstasy.
4) While sitting up, while lying down, I will
constantly meditate on Your lotus feet. Whenever
You call, I will immediately run to You and dance
in rapture.
5) I will never think of my own maintenance but
rather remain transported by a multitude of
ecstasies. Bhaktivinoda accepts You as his only
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